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Page Links: https://horticulture.mizoram.gov.in/post/sealed-tender-notice-for-supply-and-installation-of-greenhouse-under-rkvy-dpr-2023-2024p
Sealed Tender notice for supply and installation of Greenhouse under RKVY-DPR, 2023-2024
Department Updates
- Promotion of Pu C.Zosangliana, JAG of MHS (Posted as Joint Director)
- Pi Lalremruati, Under Secretary, Nodal Officer for E-Office
- Pi Vanlalruati (Superintendent), Nodal Officer for LAMS)
- Appointment of Pu Vanlalzuala Chhangte, Nodal Officer for Court Cases
- Promotion of Pu R.Zonunsanga, HD to Senior HD
Government of Mizoram Latest News